Agnes Wohl, LCSW, ACSW
Agnes Wohl Assists Survivors of Trauma
Consultation, Evaluation, and Psychotherapeutic Treatment of the emotional, behavioral, and social problems of children, adolescents, and adults
Agnes Wohl is a Traumatologist, author, and speaker who assists survivors in recovery from the profound effects that catastrophic events have had on a person’s physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, interpersonal relationships, and the self.
Agnes Wohl is licensed in New York, New Jersey, Rhode Island, and Pennsylvania.
She helps individuals examine these issues, reduce the potency of the events in the present, manage current symptoms and build a life worth living.
Symptoms include:
Trust issues
Lack of self-compassion
Negative self-talk
Ms. Wohl balances her years of skill in a caring, warm, nurturing environment.
Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Level 2, 2022
Diplomate, American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress, January 2021
Certified in Sexual Abuse Trauma by the American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress, January 2021
Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Part One, 2018
Certified Therapist in EMDR, Nov. 2015
Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress, Sept. 2011
New York State Certified Social Worker, March 1992
Academy of Certified Social Workers, June 1983
Diplomate of Clinical Social Work, May 1987
Certificate in Child Psychotherapy, New Hope Guild, June 1988
Advanced Certificate in School Psychology, City College, City University of New York, May 1984
Master of Social Work, Adelphi University, School of Social Work, May 1981
Bachelor of Arts, Psychology, Bernard M. Baruch College, City University of New York, May 1979
Federation of Protestant Charities Scholarship, 1980 -1981
Adelphi University School of Social Work Scholarship, 1979 -1980
Excellence in Psychology Award; Monroe D. Franklin Award, 1972
Liberal Arts Awards; Dean’s List, 1975 -1979
Child and Adult Psychotherapist
Private Practice, Trauma Therapist
September 1987 – Present
Jericho, New York
Treat children, adolescents, and adults who are victims of trauma or/and physical and sexual abuse; psychotherapy with children and adults with a variety of psycho-social issues and sexual issues; run groups with adult survivors of sexual abuse. Assessment and treatment of victims of clergy abuse.
Child Abuse Mandated Trainer
Family Consultation Center
September 1993 – September 1996
Garden City, New York
Certified to provide state-mandated training on child abuse, neglect, and sexual abuse for mandated reporters.
Child Abuse Consultant
Cornell University
September 1985 -September 1991
Child Protective Services Training Institute
Provided training statewide to CPS workers and therapists on assessment and treatment of child witnesses of domestic violence. Acted as a consultant in the preparation of child physical and sexual abuse manuals designed for CPS staff.
Clinic Administrator
Queens Child Guidance Center
April 1985 – August 1990
Trude Weishaupt Clinic
Directed and supervised a child abuse treatment program whose services include assessment and provision of individual, group, couple, and family therapy to children, adolescents, and adults who are the victims of domestic violence, child abuse, and child sexual abuse. Utilized play and art therapy techniques. Advocated for clients and testify in court. Worked closely with all related systems, i.e., SSC, Family Court, D.A., Hospitals, and Police Department. Validation of child sexual abuse cases and expert testimony in court. Staff included MSW’s, psychologists, psychiatrists, secretarial, and students. Chair Boro-President’s Committee Against Child Sexual Abuse.
Child Abuse Consultant
Blueberry Treatment Center
June 1988 – September 1990
Trained and supervised special investigators on child abuse-related issues that involve children and parents, as well as children and staff.
Psychologist Consultant
Leake and Watts Children’s Home
June 1984 – June 1988
East Bronx Family Service Center
Performed psycho-diagnostic assessments of youngsters and their families who were victims of physical, sexual, and emotional abuse.
Adjunct Lecturer
City University of New York – Baruch College
September 1979 – 1984
Designed and taught undergraduate psychology courses.
Project Director
Brookwood Child Care
August 1984 – April 1985
CUDDLE Family Day Care
Developed and implemented model daycare programs targeted at middle-income families. Responsibilities included overall supervision of the project, developing linkages within the community, recruiting Users and Providers, screening and accessing potential Providers and their families, conducting enrollment, supervising Providers of all Family Day Care homes. Developed training curriculum and taught training courses including theories of child development, play, and cognition, learning disabilities, child abuse and neglect, creative use of daily space, structuring the day, the use of movement, art, and music in promoting growth.
Child and Family Psychotherapist
Coalition for Abused Women
August 1982 – August 1984
Safe Home for Abused Families
Planned, developed, and implemented children’s therapeutic program for ages two to sixteen who had witnessed and/or was a victim of domestic violence and/or incest. Provided psychological evaluations of youngsters and short-term individuals/group play, art, and music therapy. Conducted a full range of psychotherapeutic services to women including individual, group, and family therapy. Facilitated parenting skill groups, provided advocacy, and crisis intervention. Performed intake interviews on women and children as well as active follow up upon discharge. Supervised and trained staff and students of all levels.
New York State Certified Social Worker
Leake and Watts Children’s Home
June 1981-August 1982
East Bronx Family Service Center
Provided individual therapy to minority families with children at risk of placement. Utilized play therapy and behavior modification. Participated in a special project designed to enable women in prison to assume parental responsibilities upon their discharge. Worked with children to facilitate the transition to be reunited with their mothers. Conducted weekly individual and family therapy both within the home and agency and did intake interviews. Developed appropriate resources and made referrals with follow-up. Advocated for the clients within the welfare system, C.O.H., hospitals, and the courts.
Professional Affiliations
National Association of Social Workers – https://www.socialworkers.org
NYS Society of Clinical Social Workers – https://www.nysscsw.org – Nassau & Suffolk Chapters
Member of the National Center for Crisis Management – https://www.aaets.org
American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress – https://www.aaets.org
EMDR International Association – https://www.emdria.org